Friday, 30 December 2016

Role of Psoralen and sun exposure in treating skin problems

Role of Psoralen

The plant Psoralea corylifolia (Babchi) contains the active constituent Psoralen which can be applied topically on the affected areas before sun exposure.

Psoralen entraps and enhances the benefit of the UV rays of sunlight when mild exposure is given. It makes the skin sensitive to sunlight so that the UV radiations can penetrate easily into the skin and
  1. Reduce symptoms such as itching and inflammation in excessive scaling conditions of skin .PUVA (Psoralen+UVA) slows down excessive skin cell growth and inflammation that causes extreme dry scaling conditions of skin to develop.
  2.  Minimise uneven discolouration of skin and hypopigmentation. Psoralen, on absorption of sunlight, kindles the genetic memory of the damaged melanocytes (pigment producing skin cells), resulting in melanin production.
Narrowband UVB (311-312 nm) that is present in the sunlight also stimulates pigment cells to produce melanin in a very short time after exposure.

To step up the goodness of sunlight effectively in these conditions, a topical cream containing Psoralea corylifolia /Psoralen is highly recommended.

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Monday, 26 December 2016

Worthy Tips For Healthy Skin

Worthy Tips For Healthy Skin

We all dream of spotless and healthy skin, yet only a few of us manage to get it. Why? Well, the path to healthy skin requires a proper skincare regimen and a healthy diet that must be followed every day.

The following factors are important in keeping the skin healthy.

It should be balanced and digestible. A fair amount of animal proteins and vitamins are essential.  Intake of spices, tea, coffee and alcohol should be minimal. “Sattvik” diet is the best option.

Fresh cool air, exercise and mild sun are natural skin protectors. They stimulate the skin cells (keratinocytes), thyroid, adrenals and sympathetic nervous system which have a direct impact on the health of the skin and the body.

Avoid very tight fitting and synthetic clothing and soft footwear especially in summer. Synthetic fabrics interfere with the absorption and evaporation of sweat. In addition, the chemicals dissolved by unevaporated sweat can cause contact dermatitis.

In tropical countries, daily bathing with clean, cool water is essential in summer. In cold weather, bathe with warm water. Very hot water is not advisable for skin as it might scald the skin and also cause dryness. The skin should be dried thoroughly after bathing.

A simple, less alkaline soap should be used. People with greasy skin require more soap than those with dry skin. People with dry skin should use super fatted soaps.

Cosmetics contain chemicals to which individuals may be sensitive or allergic to. These chemicals may harm the skin, cause blockage of pores and hence can damage the skin cells. Minimal use of cosmetics is highly recommended.

 Follow the points mentioned above every day to keep
your skin healthy and glowing.

Friday, 9 December 2016

5 Natural Ways to Moisturize Your Dry Skin

Dry Skin

As winter season arrives, it is a known fact that the sudden drop in temperature leads to various problems on our skin. The cold winds and low temperature are the most common reasons that result in dry skin and flaking.

Though dry skin in winter can be a nuisance, there are many ways to fight the dryness using  home remedies.

Here are 5 natural ways to moisturize your skin this winter. 

·         Milk: It has an anti-inflammatory and soothing property that greatly helps to get rid of dry and itchy skin. Apply cold milk on your dry skin for five to seven minutes. Gently wash off the milk with lukewarm water. This natural moisturizer will remain on your skin for a long time.

·         Egg mask: You might be wondering why there are many edible items on this list, but egg masks left on the face for about half an hour can give you immediate and lasting effects. Eggs are rich in protein and albumin that control the oil which prevent your skin from drying up.

·         Honey and olive oil: A spoon of both honey and olive oil that is left on the skin for a mere 15 minutes has many benefits apart from moisturizing the skin. Honey being naturally sticky keeps your skin exfoliated and also lightens the skin tone.  Olive oil prevents the honey from sticking to your skin, prevents itching and helps in prevention of pimples as well.

·         Yogurt scrub: No matter how rough your skin feels, using abrasive scrubs can make your skin worse. The best way to exfoliate is to use a yogurt and besan powder scrub that removes dead cells without damaging your skin. Yogurt contains lactic acid that exfoliates and moisturizes your skin .

·         Coconut Oil: It makes the skin feel softer and removes its previous scaly characteristic by moistening it in a natural way. Coconut oil has sufficient amounts of fatty acid that make up for any loss of moisture from the skin. Apply proper amount before going to sleep and wash it off in the morning

Though difficult at first, following these tips regularly during this winter season will make your skin glow and moisturized regardless of the drops in temperature.
Give your skin what it deserves this season and beat the winter itch!

Friday, 2 December 2016

Managing pimples through the day – 1000s of microbes and the way to beat them

Skin Care Products
Dermatologists believe that almost 90% of people encounter at least three out breaks of acne during their lifetime mostly during their teens and post-puberty. Acne is in fact the most common skin condition found all over the planet.

Since it is so common, your skin needs proper protection to fight acne and keep it clear. There are many products in the market that promise on clearing pimples and keeping your skin healthy. However a few minor changes to your lifestyle would help you in combating pimples.

More than an infectious skin condition, Acne is also a lifestyle inflicted disease. Researchers say, people who live a stressful lifestyle have a higher risk of acne outbursts.

 Here are 5 simple ways you can fight acne through the day. 

  • Get Enough Sleep
The concept of ‘Beauty Sleep’ is quite well known yet seldom followed. Losing just 1 hour’s sleep puts you at 90% higher risk of an acne outburst. Sleep also helps to improve your metabolism, relieve stress and substantially reduce sebum production. 

  • Exercise
Exercise helps you to keep your body healthy and active. It also does a lot of good for your skin. Exercise makes you sweat and in turn detoxifies your body, removes toxins that may contribute to acne outburst. Although be sure to have a post workout shower as sweat on skin over long periods of time may invigorate acne. 

  • Cut Down on Dairy Products
Recent studies have revealed that dairy products do more harm than good for your health. Consuming dairy products changes the chemical composition in your body leading to outbursts of acne. People claim, it was easier to manage acne when they cut down on dairy products completely. Many dermatologists also recommend cutting down on dairy products to manage acne better. 

  • Not Too Sweet
Sugar and confectionaries have long been known to aggravate acne conditions. Studies suggest intake of sugar worsens the symptoms of acne. Moreover, Sugar also leads to other health conditions like diabetes. Reducing sugar intake would do a lot of good not just for your skin but also your overall health. 

  • Hands Off the face
Keep your hands off your face if you are suffering from acne. Pimples can sometimes be itchy and irritable, however touching your face and pinching pimples only makes it worse. It could cause pimples to spread and irritate your skin. It could also lead to serious scaring! 

Along with these 5 tips, being hygienic and keeping yourself hydrated also helps in fighting acne through the day.  

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Friday, 25 November 2016

Sunlight For Skin – How Much Do We Need?

Sunlight for skin
While too much of the sun rays can be harmful to your skin, the right balance can havelots  of positive effects on our body. According to the World Health Organization, sun exposure can treat several auto immune disorders.

Moderate amount of sun exposure
  • Slows down the rapid rate of skin cell multiplication (scaling) and skin cell shedding in psoriasis.
  • Kindles genetic memory of pigment cells of the skin to produce melanin in vitiligo.
  • Produces vitamin D in the body which improves brain function
  • Helps in healing eczema and fungal infections
  • Sun exposure improves the production ofblood cells in the body which helps develop resistance to diseases in the body and thus boosts the immunity.

Overexposure to sun can cause
  • Sunburn
  • Wrinkle formation
  • Skin damage
  • Photo Ageing of skin
  • Skin cancer.
It is important to take adequate precaution.

 The best way to get the benefits and stay away from the ill effects of sun is to always apply a sunscreen compulsorily whenever we go outdoors.

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Thursday, 17 November 2016

5 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff


Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp, often accompanied by itching. For people with dandruff, the new cells on the scalp are produced at a faster rate than they die, resulting in more skin being shed, making dandruff noticeable.

 Excessive flaking may be caused by extreme dryness in scalp, yeast (Malassezia) infection, unhealthy diet and irritated, oily skin (seborrheic dermatitis).
Here are few easy remedies to get rid of dandruff at home. 

1.      Yogurt Massage

Yogurt possess beneficial anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and cleansing properties that help in reducing intensity of scaling

2.      Soda Magic

Being a mild exfoliant, baking soda helps remove dead skin cells and absorbs excess oil. It can also help balance pH levels on the scalp and reduce the growth of fungi that cause dandruff.

3.      Lemon and Coconut 

Coconut oil helps to eliminate dandruff due to its antifungal properties. It also moisturizes dry scalp and provides relief from itching. Healing properties of citric acid is also well known. Citric acid in the lemon kills the fungus and prevents dandruff.

4.      Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol that has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that helps to treat scalp problems. When applied on scalp, it penetrates the hair follicles, unclogs them and kills microorganisms that trigger dandruff, itchy scalp and irritation.

5.      Neem

With their anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties 
neem leaves are one of the most effective remedies in controlling dandruff. 

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Why Ordinary Cleansers Or Soaps Are Not Good Enough For Patients With Dry Skin ?

Dry Skin

Dry skin is a sensitive issue which needs to be taken care of with consummate care. People with dry skin usually have low level of sebum, so their skin develops scales because of their inability to retain moisture. You can manage your skin by taking a few steps. 

a) Retaining your natural oils
Your body produces natural oils on a daily basis which helps it from drying up and protects the skin. Using an ordinary soap strips it of these oils therefore using a specialized medicated soap for moisturizing extra dry skin is advised by most doctors. This helps to regain the natural oils in our skin.

b) Exfoliate with care
Exfoliating the skin with scrubs is necessary but it must be done with care as it will remove the dead cells present in the top layer of dry skin . Once or twice a week is more than enough, mainly sensitive areas like the face .

c) Drying your skin with care
Drying the skin is a daily habit but it also needs to be with care as vigorously doing it can lead to irritation of the skin and it also strips the body of its natural oils, so remember when drying your skin to do it gently.

d) Daily use of a Moisturizer
The daily use of a moisturizer is a very good habit to cultivate as it nourishes the skin and helps to lock in moisture. It is especially effective right after a shower when your body is still wet. 

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