Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Verdura mela gain cream- why to be used

Vitiligo- what and why

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder of skin in which
  • ·         Melanin is lost
  • ·         Melanocytes further fail to produce melanin
  • ·         Melanin transfer will not be proper

Therefore, skin loses its natural colour and white patches are formed which are progressive in nature.

How to treat vitiligo condition?
Ideal products for treating vitiligo or hypo-pigmentary disorders of skin should give the following benefits:

  • ·         Increase melanin synthesis
  • ·         Help in the transfer of melanin from basal layer to the upper layer of skin and
  • ·         Increase the tyrosinase enzyme and its functionality 

These functions are further enhanced by the sun therapy or PUVA therapy. But, due to lack of melanin, the vitiligenous skin becomes very sensitive to the sun exposure. Hence it needs to be protected from the sun damage.

Verdura mela gain cream- what and why

Verdura mela gain cream increases melanogenesis, melanin synthesis and tyrosinase enzyme and also offers sun protection.

It also contains Psoralea corylifolia (natural source of Psoralen) that entraps and boosts the sun therapy and the sun screeners such as Bentonite, Calamine, Titanium dioxide and Zinc oxide that are present in it, give required protection to the skin from over exposure.

Clinical proof for efficacy of Verdura mela gain cream

A clinical study was done on 26 volunteers with cream with and without sun screeners and with and without sun exposure.

The findings of the study suggest that the herbal actives of the cream induce melanin production, irrespective of sun exposure. Simultaneously, the sun screeners minimize the solar vulnerability of the skin.

Hence, with these proven complimentary benefits from contradicting agents, Verdura mela gain cream can be the best product of choice for vitiligo treatment.