cells present below the human skin produces and transfers melanin pigment to
the upper layer of skin which gives skin its natural colour and also protects
from sun/UV rays..
in vitiligo and hypopigmentary disorders, melanin is lost resulting in uneven
discoloration of skin. It is important to use treatment products that will
absorb sunlight and induce the pigment formation. Vitiligenous skin has to be
protected from over sun exposure.
resources that can help you out for treating vitiligo:
The plant Psoralea
corylifolia (Babchi) contains the active constituent Psoralen which entraps
and enhances the benefit of the Sun/UV rays when mild exposure is given. It
makes the skin sensitive to sunlight. Sunlight being entrapped by
psoralen kindles the genetic memory of the damaged melanocytes resulting in
melanin production.
like Piperine in Piper longum promotes melanocyte multiplication and transfers melanin
pigment to the upper layer of skin; whereas Wrightia tinctoria augments
healing properties of skin and Indigofera tinctoria works as
anti-oxidant and retards the damage of skin cells due to free radicals.
herbal ointments with all or any of these herbs also provide sun protection
other than inducing melanin production and thus they can be the best drug of
choice for treating vitiligo.
do always consult with your doctor to choose the right treatment product for
your problem.
If you are having the skin disorder like white patches that means you are suffering from the problem of vitiligo. In case, you want the vitiligo treatment in India for this, you can go with our skin clinic.